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Re: Clearing up all this confusion....USPS.....missing shirts.. etc...

To: Toby Atwater <tob@taltec.net>
Subject: Re: Clearing up all this confusion....USPS.....missing shirts.. etc...
From: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:56:39 -0700
Cc: Sprite Mailing List <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Organization: Gentlemen Mechanics
References: <011c01be8b75$0abc4e20$6ae9fea9@r.atwate>
Reply-to: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Toby Atwater wrote:

> OK.... I couldn't believe priority mail would take week+ to dilever...
> usually its like 4 days MAX. all this morning, I un buried my database and
> went through each order and the USPS reciept. a little less then 20 orders
> were un-acounted for,
> about 6 of those were orders I am holding untill I recieve some sort of
> confirmation and\or a check from those people, about 5 were international
> orders that need to be repacked, and the rest were no problem and should
> have gone out.
> that means these packages were MIA... inbetween my house and the post
> office. I searched my living room.. no luck, then I found them under my
> seats and burried under stuff in my car.... sorry guys... they went off this
> morning... i really apologize for how long these took....

No Problem Toby,

Just being sure that I didn't go postal on the postal department. ;-)


| Steve McGee, Atty. at Large
| Samesq@pacbell.net
| Spridget page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/links.html
| Mopar page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/mopar.html

"Only if you are unafraid of the truth will you ever find it."

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