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[Fwd: THR19]boundary="------------82B3D9921F698E3E298F42EA"

To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Fwd: THR19]boundary="------------82B3D9921F698E3E298F42EA"
From: Amy Turner <ltturner@usit.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 20:43:40 -0400
Reply-to: Amy Turner <ltturner@usit.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
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The Kitterers are on the road again!  Bob asked me to forward this to the


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Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:43:42 EDT
Subject: THR19
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Hi List,

Friday April 16 was the beginning of The Last Roundup--Texas Healey Roundup 
19, hosted by the North Texas Austin-Healey Club.  By evening, there were 
about 200 people, including children, from 13 states spanning from California 
to Florida, a large contingents from Oklahoma, a couple from Ontario, Canada, 
and a man from Tunis, Tunisia.  They drove a total of about 65 cars--20 
Sprites, 40 Big Healeys, and Specials (Jensens, Spec Sprites, Race Cars, 
Nasty Boys, etc.)

In Texas they do things in superlatives, and a Healey event is no exception.  
Although we had only been to one of these events, we soon felt right at home 
among our old friends while making new ones.  We didn�t identify any other 
Spridgeteers, but if you were there and we missed you, we hope you had as 
much fun as we did.   Getting lost on the way to Popularity, a just right mix 
of humor and serious rallying, and a spectacular gymkhana in which the first 
place car of all four classes-- Sprites, Big Healeys, and Specials 
(everything else) and �The Race for the Roses� (for ladies only) --finished 
within 0.9 seconds of each other.  Along with the Margaritas this is 
consistently a great start to Sports Car Season.  This Friday evening, 
Saturday and Sunday morning event is just excellent.

April 7, 2000 is the start of Roundup 20 in the Texas hill country, guess we 
will just have to start planning for another trip.

Just roving about

Bob and Annice
1960 Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)


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