Re: the "me too" and non-tech messages....I get my internet at work - I
can't imagine what this would be like at 28.8. My heartfelt sympathies to
those on modems - you *need* unlimited hours.
Where are those darn xDSL and cable modems that the phone and cable
companies have been promising for, oh, 2 years? Not in my area.
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Macy []
Sent: Friday, February 19, 1999 11:39 AM
To: Eric Gillitzer aka Montana Bob
Cc: Spridgets
Subject: Re: Stop the insanity
This very thing came up on the mgs list last weekend. My comment was then
and remains now. That it is the offtopic stuff that gets us through the
long nights and short cold days of winter - when ever winter is - where
ever you may be. I can hit delete as fast as anyone and maybe faster than
most (well over 100 messages each am from 4 very verbose lists). And
thats just the total from 5PM to 8AM EST!! Let alone what comes in during
the day. And Monday?!?!?!?
Oh well this is the kind of message eric was complaining about.
Keep those cards and letters coming!!
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Spridget content - Gonna be asking questions about the tranny I'm gonna
rebuild this spring.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eric Gillitzer aka Montana Bob <>
>To: <>
>Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 10:32 AM
>Subject: Stop the insanity
>>I have been reading this list, and the healey list, for the better part of
>>three years now. I have finally had it. Both lists, in my opinion, have
>>degenerated from a useful place to post questions and answers to some sort
>>of sophomore-ish yak factory. On a daily basis I throw out 60+ messages
>>basically crap. Anytime ANYONE has a comment or question, the same group
>>of 15-20 people all chime in and basically say "Me Too!!" And then the
>>fights start as to whether the fastener to be
>>used/purchased/begged/cajoled/stolen or loaned to someone should be turned
>>3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1 turn to tighten it, and then what color should it
>>be painted-silver, black, silver with black, black with silver, etc etc ad
>>naseum. God, don't any of you have families to deal with or anything else
>>better to do(like go and work on your car)???? So, I'm logging off, never
>>to return. I enjoy working on my car, and the list WAS a good source of
>>little known information, but I don't think it is anymore-as I said. Too
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Voice mail 215 662-2890