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New list

To: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: New list
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 02:29:46 -0700 (MST)
Reply-to: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
A flurry of keystrokes, and a new list is born - shop-owners@autox.team.net.

Geez, given my current workload, one might think I would be moving towards
*fewer* lists, not more, but so it goes.  This one, as the name implies, is
for those who own shops.  To expand, "own shops" means something like people
who own, manage, run, or just work in shops.  And here "shops" means some
sort of place that does some sort of automotive related business.  Whatever,
I'm easy.  Well, maybe not that easy, there are various restrictions and such
that the info file describes.  Send mail to majordomo@autox.team.net with
nothing but the words

  info shop-owners

in the message to read about it.

The idea for the list came about when I was cleaning up a bunch of useless
verbiage from the MG list, and noticed a person there asking about a recent
repair that had been done on his car.  Putting on my Fat Chance Garage hat, I
would have *loved* to have a customer give me $700 for a $300 repair, but
chances are there is more to the story than that.  So for those of you in the
trade, here's a place to go.  Bitch about the latest EPA regulations, your
local taxes, the comments about your business in the Monster List, the string
of prospective employees who can't even spell "bolt" or just tell us about the
"customer" who, after a total of 4 hours and 25 minutes of phone time, and
four different visits to the shop, finally decides to splurge and spend an
extra 56 cents on buying that filter from you instead of the major chain on
the next block.

It might be nice to limit the list members to those who provide automotive
service, but the reality is that anyone who can figure out how to put nothing
but "subscribe shop-owners" in a mail message to majordomo@autox.team.net
can be on the list.  We'll see how it goes.


ps: For a full listing of Team.Net lists, send mail to majordomo@autox.team.net
    with nothing but


    in the body of the message.

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