I'd like to do the same thing to my wheels. They are chipped and stained,
but as I understand it, you would probably need to have them "tuned" after
sand blasting. Would this possibly weaken them?
When I had my first midget, a 65 in 68...I masked off the tires after spray
washing them well, and painted them with BRIGHT aluminum paint. I loved it
then, but don't think I would now.
"Argent Silver" available at the Ford dealer is supposed to be the closest
match I think.
My current plan is to wash the wheels thoroughly with one of the new "wheel
cleaners", and then spray them this Ford color. From 10 feet away (or 18
inches if your eyes are as old as mine) the small chips and such should be
almost invisible.
Or, if I win the lottery, I'll order the new chrome ones........
Robert Houston
74 Midget, Katy
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 9:34 AM
Subject: Replaced Steering Rack Boots
> I requested responses on replacing the steering rack boots on my '72
> Midget. Thanks for those who shared experiences. Last weekend I
> removed the radiator and was able to easily remove the old boots and
> slip the new ones on. If any of the list need to tackle this task,
> removing the radiator is necessary. My radiator had quite a few fins
> bent over and I needed to straighten them up anyway. Looked like the
> PO has let the fan come loose and it hit the radiator.
> Also, from all the discussion by the List of using DOT 3 brake fluid
> vs DOT 4, I drained all the DOT 3 out of my brake and clutch systems
> and flushed with alcohol. Will use DOT 4 fluid this time.
> I'm going to sand blast my wire wheels this weekend and prime them.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on a color for the finish coat on the
> wire wheels? I would assume that silver is too bright. It would be
> more like a light gray color. Any help? Any precautions during sand
> blasting? Not sure yet if I have tube type tires or tubeless.
> Don
> '72 Midget