I am currently running the new competition springs, they are great, I
also run the Koni shocks on the rear. They are adjustable and needed
to be stiffened up a bit. I used to have the 1970's version of the
competitions stack on the rear and when I ran them I had to
occasionally drain the blood from my kidneys.
My kidneys love the new springs, and road handling is vastly improved.
Bob Magnotti
59 RHD 5 Speed Sprite
Fairfax, VA
Subject: Re: leaf spring problems
Author: Frank Clarici <spritenut@exit109.com> at internet
Date: 10/15/98 9:10 PM
Bob wrote:
> Frank,
> Your are not referring to the Mini Mania competition springs are you?
> Bob M.
No, I hear those are the ones to get.
George and I were referring to the crap Moss and Vic Brit sells.
The over sprung made in China repros.
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From: Frank Clarici <spritenut@exit109.com>
Organization: Positive Earth Drivers Club
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Subject: Re: leaf spring problems
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