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Re: windshield replacement

To: Chris Kotting <ckotting@iwaynet.net>
Subject: Re: windshield replacement
From: "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy@lucent.com>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:29:53 -0400
Cc: "'Ulix Goettsch'" <ulix@u.washington.edu>, Steve Byers <byers@cconnect.net>, "Thecarguru@aol.com" <Thecarguru@aol.com>, "spridgets@autox.team.net" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Lucent Technologies
Original-cc: "'Ulix Goettsch'" <ulix@u.washington.edu>, Steve Byers <byers@cconnect.net>, "Thecarguru@aol.com" <Thecarguru@aol.com>, "spridgets@autox.team.net" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
References: <01BDED3B.BF810900.ckotting@iwaynet.net>
Reply-to: "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy@lucent.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Chris Kotting wrote:
> Okay guys, what's the major hassle?  I'm attempting this feat for the first
> time myself this winter.
> I'm assuming that the difficulty lies in compressing the glazing rubber
> enough to get the frame reassembled.  Is there also a problem with getting
> the frame-to-body seals compressed?

I saw this posting on the mg list.  I don't know if this could be applied
to a spridget.  It is worth a look and consideration.  YMMV.  My apologies
to Lee for reproducing this without his permission.

William M. Gilroy
77 Midget
E-mail:    wmgilroy@lucent.com
Telephone: 732-957-4775
Fax:       732-957-4775

------------------------- cut here -----------------------------
Subject:         Photos of MGB windshield installation.
   Date:         Wed, 23 Sep 1998 9:48:55 -0500
   From:         Lee Daniels <DANIELS@alchem.chem.tamu.edu>
     To:         mgs@autox.team.net
    CC:         DANIELS@alchem.chem.tamu.edu

I installed my 'B windshield the other day and used the C-clamp compression 
method recently discussed here.

I took some digital pix of the process, and have posted them on the web.
Go to

and click on the *picture* of the MGB (*not* on the "MGB" link).  I think 
these photos will make the recent description of the process much clearer.

 - Lee
p.s.  - Please let me know if there are problems viewing the page...

 Lee M. Daniels         Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding
 daniels@tamu.edu                                 Texas A&M University
 '74 TR6  '77 MGB                         http://acs.tamu.edu/~lmd1191

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