Well I replaced all bearings, new clutch, pressure plate, throw-out bearings,
new timing chain and peripherals, crawled under Midget and found loose bolts
connecting the drive shaft to the flange on the tranny. What the hell?
Took out loose bolts that seemed to be stretched, pulled off the nut and the
flange--replaced the rear seal. THEN noticed that the same s***head mechanic
who put the clutch disc and the oil thrower in backward had replaced the nut
with a lug nut and had apparently forced the nut onto the shaft. Also the
grooves in the main shaft seem to be flattened and twisted.
Is there a fix to this without having to replace the tranny mainshaft? Should
I just "pound fit" the flange back on and recut the threads for a standard
nyloc nut, or perhaps just put the lug nut back (which wobbles just a bit),
and tighten it well with some Loc-tight? Looking at the mass of gears inside
the tranny, and having never violated the sanitary confines of a tranny case
is a bit terrifying to me. How about some advice guys? Thanks!!!!
I am also getting a bit frustrated in that I pulled the Midget to a shop where
I am doing my own work for a quick clutch replacement--it seems every time I
inspect or shake something I am having to replace it. This thing is getting
expensiveand time consuming.
'67 Sprite, aka, Vicky (Under total restoration)
'79 Midget,aka, Taz (Sick with a pulled Engine and Tranny and a jimmied
tranny main shaft.