Taking off the side plate won't allow you to see the first gear as it's
covered with with the shifter fork. Even with a dental mirror, viewing
is impossible. The gear set in the 66 may be the "A' gear set and they
are not interchangeable with the later "G" sets due to a change in the
angle of the gears, Nearly all transmissions with "no history" and that
are out of the car, are just paper weights. The two critical parts in
these gearboxes are the first gear ring and the lay gear, They are both
available now in repro parts but the prices are outrageous. Toss in new
bearings, new lay shaft, new tailpiece bushing, and several thicker
thrust washers and the possibility of a worn out case, they are pretty
pricey things. Actually cheaper to go with a kit and a Japanese 4
speed,(with a first gear sybchro,) and get it over with.
I have been rebuilding these gearboxes for over 25 years and they are not
all that bad fot holding the engine torque, but they still don't have a
synchro in first gear.
Paul Asgeirsson
9123 N Clarendon Ave
Portland OR 97213-2750
On Tue, 22 Sep 1998 17:26:33 -0400 Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
>Paul A. Dolloff, Ph.D. wrote:
>> Here is my situation:
>> The tranny on the '66 is popping out of first gear and is getting
>> worse. The other gears seem very good. I have a '69 parts car with
>> a complete tranny. I have no history with this tranny and neither
>> does the PO. It has been suggested that I avoid putting the '69 in
>> my car as is - it is probably as bad, if not worse, than the '67's.
>You could always open the inspection cover and check out first gear in
>the 69. Then just swap 1st gears since your other gears are fine.
>Or take a chance and try the 69 gear box. It may be fine. It may even
>a rebuilt unit. (yeah right!)
>If you take a look inside and all the teeth are there I would give it
>try. If you go about rebuilding one out of 2, be sure to do all the
>bearings, synchros, etc. And that costs around $800.
>I know, no answers that you wanted to hear but you can rebuild the
>trannys at home on a clean white sheet covered work bench (or coffee
>table if your wife is like mine)with basic hand tool and some old
>good luck
>Frank Clarici
>Toms River, NJ
>Lots of LBCs