I'm stumped. I've had a persistent oil leak
from the rear axle that soaks the wire wheels
in about 100 miles. I've always blamed it on
the paper gasket and o-ring seal at the axle/
hub junction. I was just out in the garage
starting a re-do of that junction (3rd time)
when I noticed that:
- the inside of the brake drums were NOT oiled
- the outside of the drums were clean also...
- the only oil on the hub area was on the outside
of the break back plate, down near the adjuster.
So. I'm thinking that the hub seals are bad.
Only problem is that the seals were replaced when
the rear-end was refurbished two years ago. The
leak has been there all this time.
Now, I was real careful to put the seals in the
right way (lip of the seal pointing outboard), so
if that's the source of the problem, what could
be wrong? Are there different seals for wire-wheel
hubs? Could something be cracked (on both sides?).
- Mark Joerger
Salem, Oregon
Westfield Eleven (was '72 Midget)