That WAS Frank. "Frank Clarici" is Italian for "Yoshihisa Sugimoto". He is a
many not only of many talents, but many personnas.
Les Myer wrote:
> I just happened to be looking through some old e-mail and found a request
> for a link to the "Official Austin Healey Club of Japan". I clicked on
> "members" and found a photo of YOSHIHISA SUGIMOTO in his bugeye.
> Hmmm...looks virtually identical to Frank's green bugeye and he drove it
> 500 kilometers to a meet. Also there was a reference to him trashing parts
> in the autocross. Could this be a parallel universe thing? Would the
> earth spin out of orbit if it weren't balanced this way?
> Here's the link - I get it on PDLJMPR soon.
> http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~healey
> Les