Congratulations on getting it running Chuck! I will be starting mine soon
as well. (I hope)
I don't have the "Neeee-Saaaan" tranny but when I bled my system I ran
into the same "trickle" problem. Turned out the bleeder itself was loaded
up with crud. Cleaned it out and everything worked fine.
Jim Henderson
'69 Sprite MKIV HAN9U78817G
On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Chuck Ciaffone wrote:
> Post-rebuild Time:
> Just got the 72 1275 back together and static timed,
> finally. Thanks to all who suggested ways to find #1.
> Had it all the time.
> Just got the last wire connected, put in the oil, and kicked
> it over! By Gawd, she runs.
> I think the only real bug now is the clutch system. I have
> filled the master cylinder and connected the bicycle pump.
> When I pump with the bleed screw open, I get barely a trickle
> out of the bleeder. I disconnected the line from the MC doen to
> the Rivergate connector to the Datson (or whatever?) slave
> cylinder. Theres plenty fluid in the line that far. I assume
> there must be some obstruction from the connector thru the
> slave cylinder. Suggestions?
> chuck
> 9n
> b
> --
> =====================================================
> chuck ciaffone