Mark Endicott wrote:
> The Midget (1275) now sports a new Pertronix Ignitor ignition module.
> I have noticed that the tachometer is erratic, it bounces up and down
> somewhat wildly. I would assume that the new ignition module is
> causing this fluctuation.
Is it sort of correct if you take away the bouncing?
> And if so has anyone tried a capacitor from the
> coil (+) to ground to try to "smooth" it out?
I wouldn't recommend it. The tachometer is supposed
to see the pulses, it more or less counts the pulses to
give you the reading.
A capacitor would help in a situation like a fuel
gauge where it sees a DC level that mirrors the
physical situation, and a cap would take out the
Check all the wiring. I have a Pertronix in my 1500
with no ill effects to the tach. The 1500 and 1275
distributors are different electrically, but more
or less the same after the Pertronix install.
Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada