Does your recognition of the similarities of the shapes of valve covers and
coffins have anything to do with the fate of past engines?
God save the Queen.
mumsy wrote:
> In the process of rebuilding my MkIV's 1500 I find myself bead blasting
> and repainting a lot of parts.
> I took one look at the valve cover and knew how it must be repainted.
> It was destined to have a Union Jack flag covering it.
> Ironically enough, the thought came to me while watching King Arthur.
> You know, that movie that John Goodman is in where he becomes the king
> of england? Well in the beginning during the funeral procession for the
> mock royal family that was killed during the photo shoot, the caskets
> are being brought out with english flags draped over them. I was
> sitting back in the couch and suddenly it came to me - those caskets
> looked an awful lot like a valve cover, and it was silently decided
> then.
> So after six hours of meticulously applying red, white, and blue paint,
> I have a union jack covering the entire valve cover. I am putting on a
> few coats of clear coat on it now. I know it'll probably burn off once
> I run the thing for some good distance from the shear heat but I'm going
> to take lots of pictures of it before I start it so I can remember it.
> Has anyone else thought of a Union Jack valve cover?
> eric
> --
> __.o,\____ Go, Lil' Racer! * Eric C. Mumford
> /__ \ / _ ) 1979 MG Midget *
> (+)`---(+)
Description: Card for Dave Brown