> A guy at work who has heard me talk at length about my Sprite and how
> I am
> putting it back together at the pace of 1 bolt per day finally spoke
> up
> and said what many of you have probably thought: "WILL YOU JUST SHUT
> UP
> Really, just a few things need to be bolted on before I can at least
> hear
> it run. Will I need to complete my refurbishment of the entire fuel
> system or will it run with fuel fed by gravity (from an elevated jug)?
> Would I have to get out my old mechanics and manometry books and
> calculate
> how much and how high? Is exact fuel pressure critical?
Fuel pressure should come from the fuel pump, unless of ocurse your's
doesn't work. As I understnad it the is a feul cut off if the carb
float bowls are full, but I'm not sure this relates to pump at all. A
garvity feed should fill the carb float bowls nicely ( I used a gravity
feed to prime them after the midget sat a while) While running I'd be
seriously concerned about leakage though, since the carbs are located
above the exhaust manifold, a fuel spill there cou'ld really set back
your restoration.
If you hava a functional fuel pump a somewhat safer alternative might be
to run a flex hose from the intake side of the pump to a gas canister.
> Also, the serial number plates (engine and car) are really poorly
> stamped and hard to read. Is this normal? Is making new ones akin to
> forgery?
I beleive that modifying the VIN plate is illegal in the US, though I'm
not sure about replacing it due to illegibilty, you might check with
your local Dept of Motor Vehicles about that.