Eat your heart out Bob, I actually have two of them that work. The one in old
Bugeye #1 and the spare.
Sent: Monday, November 03, 1997 7:42 PM
To: Larry G. Miller
Subject: Re: Bugeye Washer Pump
Aw, come on, Larry, if it REALLY works, it is obviously a FAKE!!!!
Frogeye windshield washer pumps have NEVER worked!!!!!
Larry G. Miller wrote:
> Some time ago someone asked about the manual windshield washer pump for a
> Bugeye. I finally found the one I said I had and it even works. I have
> decided to keep it. If you really want one or need one for that perfect
> restoration, check out the Winners Circle, just noticed that they will
> yours for $75.
> Larry Miller