MAYBE you can unbolt the front flange from below. I just looked under my
O/D car. Access to the flange is not blocked by the transmission mount
like on a non-O/D car, but the gap between the two frame members is pretty
small, just enough room to stick a couple of wrenches up there.
The U-joint (or splines or straps) go to the rear.
Are you sure you need to paint your car? It looks pretty good in the photo.
I repainted my '72 a year or two ago, and it took much longer than I
See my blog and photos of the process here:
Here in NJ, the salt has finally been washed form the roads, so it is safe
to take my Spit out...
On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Kevin Rhodes <> wrote:
> Since it
> has been about 15 years since I have had the driveshaft out of the car,
> could someone remind me as to whether the bolts on the transmission end are
> accessible from underneath the car? I am vaguely remembering that they are
> not, which means some interior disassembly is required. Also, which way
> around is the new driveshaft supposed to go, or does it not matter? This is
> assuming the flanges are the same on both ends, of course.