I have been exploring some of the stuff I bought on ebay lately. I
bought stuff I thought I would need but did not get around to using. The
item I got screwed on the most was the headlight surrounds. I needed
one right side facia/surround to have two good pairs. I bought three
pairs on ebay and got one good right side piece. The rest were bent,
cracked or thread stripped. The Spitfire I am building had the right
side headlight crunched in. I bought a good looking, on ebay,
hood/bonnet and got one with no supports and all the nut areas cracked
out, but no dents.
I had a shop built to finish the Spitfire. I had to vacate the previous
location. The builder quit when I bitched about his quality of work. The
raggedy insulation was the last straw.
When I had to finish the shop and move stuff around I got back in gear
and motivated.
I think I have the most expensive, incomplete Spitfire on record.
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