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update - MANTT- Mid Atlantic NASS Tranny Tech session

To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: update - MANTT- Mid Atlantic NASS Tranny Tech session
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 21:32:43 -0500
OK...we're getting close here.  I need a head count of all those attending 
the NASS Tranny tech session on April 22.
We've got 4 boxes coming.  A single rail. an 3-rail, a j-type o/d and a 
d-type o/d box. So we'll be able to video all four types and hopefully be 
able to show the variations amongst the components.

Each owner will be doing the bulk of the work, with as many helpers in teams 
as are willing to jump in and learn and help out.

You don't need to be a NASS member to attend. All comers are welcome. Don't 
worry about whether you know anyone or not. I'll lay odds that only about 
15% of the people planning to attend have ever met before. You might all 
know each other from these lists, so it might be fun if nothing else just to 
stop by and put faces to all the names, as well as check out all the cars, 
boxes, and banter.

Where-  7850 Spruce Hill Rd. Severn, MD 21144   (less than 2/3 of a mile off 
the highway, RT97 -very easy to find)
When - April 22, 2006  (don't knock on my door before 7am)  We'd like to get 
started around 7-8am.
Contact - Paul and Gail Tegler   ptegler@cablespeed.com    410-969-9672

You know we'll kill time b.s'ing so the early start should still get us 
going, hands greasy...by 9 at the latest.  I'm guessing..... if no major 
problems are encountered, and including the videographing setup at various 
stages... each box should take about an hour to strip (with training steps 
thrown in), an hour to talk about, and a about 2-3 to put back together 
correctly.  So I wouldn't be surprised if a you'll all get a chance to see a 
box rebuild step more than once throughout the day.

Plenty of coffee will be avail in the morning (ahhh caffeine and nicotine, 
the breakfast of champions)  BYOB. The knowledge is free...not the buzz.

Paul Tegler

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