At 06:33 AM 26/01/06, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any information on these carburetor's? I ma considering
>rebuilding the one on my Spit or replacing it with something a little
>more modern. Is there a suitable replacment other than the webers?
>Holly? Mikuni?
>Thank You
Jerry... Strombergs are a pretty strait forward carburator once one (this
side of the pond) accepts the principal that not everything has to be made
like a HOLLY. Strombergs work on the same principal as SU a side draught
damper operated needle and jet. It is easy to tune once you get it and
easy to clean and maintain. Order a carb kit from your local parts store
or Brits car shop. Remove it clean it put it back together with all new
corks and gaskets and tune it on the car. With the stromberg . you may
want to get the special mixture tool its a Hex key with a screw in stop to
go down the top of the damper into the needle. It is worth it to get this
device.. Available through most Brits Car shops.
Ohh and make sure you have a good manual with the exploded view of your
carb so you will get it back in the right order.. Its murphys law you will
get interrupted and forget how it came apart.
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