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Redoing the vinyl on the shelf

To: spitfires@autox.team.net (Spitfires)
Subject: Redoing the vinyl on the shelf
From: s1500@comcast.net
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 14:28:55 +0000
Quick update:

The horizontal vinyl sheet in the passenger side shelf/glovebox was peeling 
apart. So it was time for it to go. After spending a few hours on a stubborn 
nut/bolt mounting it to the radio area, alas the shelf was finally out. Ah, 
cardboard. Why did they make this out of cardboard?

Anyways, the vinyl strip was beyond repair(too much dried glue on it), so I 
then took a strip of vinyl from an old door skin. That was too small, but I had 
spare vinyl laying around in my spares. A quick cut, some gluing(the fold-in 
part on the bottom was the hardest), and it was on again. There's a small bit 
of wrinkling on the sides where the  foam rubber tapers off, but it looks 100 
times better than before. 

Heck, I even re-soldered the speaker wire connection and re-fit a loose wire in 
the dash, and now I have 2 fully functioning "Sparkomatic" speakers. 

Things are good again for the interior. Now i just need a red "PRESS" button 
label for the seat belt buckle holder. Anyone have one? I have parts for trade. 
Trying to go for a 100% perfect interior and I am getting ever so close. 


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