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RE: Weber DGV/Pierce manifold

To: Spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Weber DGV/Pierce manifold
From: public@sweavo.34sp.com
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:45:01 +0100
Quoting doug@dougbraun.com:

> That's what I have heard.  The goal is to eliminate fuel condensing into a
> puddle.
> I think the air itself will pass through the short manifold too quickly to
> heat up significantly, especially
> at full throttle.

Ah, that makes sense.  Cold air is good because it's colder than the surfaces it
touches... so cold surfaces are bad after the carburettors.

As I understood it the heated manifold is about getting going on a cold day more
than anything else... but I'm also basing this on half-remembered hearsay.


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