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To: <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Frame
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 11:14:55 -0500
I finally got my frame painted. http://ljvaughan.homestead.com/framework.html

When I put the the front uprights on, the measurements were not equal between
the two. I had a spacer, forgot which side it came off, and put it under the
left side. The measurements didn't change enough to tell with a tape measure.
I removed the spacer and with the bolts loose hammered the right side back and
the left side forward, then tightened up the bolts. This evened up the
measurements but distance between the front upper swingarm bolt holes was 25
7/8" not 26" like the book said.

The spacers were discussed not long ago but I can't find the emails or what
the conclusion was about the function of the spacers. Anyone remember?


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