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RE: Too Hot!!!!

To: "'Martin Pearce'" <dungey@pearcem95.freeserve.co.uk>,
Subject: RE: Too Hot!!!!
From: "Gosling, Richard B" <Richard.Gosling@atkinsglobal.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:04:23 +0100
Martin said: "...I noticed that when I increased the revs both the fuel and
temp guage rise quite rapidly, ease off and they drop back..."

Martin, it sounds to me like you still don't have the voltage regulator
issue sorted.  It is quite to be expected that the voltage from the dynamo
will rise and fall with engine speed; the voltage regulator is supposed to
sort out this effect, and output a continuous 10V regardless of what they
dynamo is doing (as long as it is getting at least 11V or so in).

I'd use a voltmeter to find out what voltage you are getting into your
gauges before you get any further.

Richard Gosling

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