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Gt6 bonnet clearance issues -- continued

To: "Spit6 Mail List" <spit6cgt6@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: Gt6 bonnet clearance issues -- continued
From: "Ed Hamilton" <h_edward@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 02:47:27 -0400
I seem to be stumped with regard to the above subject and would appreciate
the group's collective wisdom and/or thoughts.

I have a Gt6 Mk3 chassis, engine and bonnet mated with a 1500 spitfire tub.

Due to the combination of a higher lift camshaft and roller rockers, I
initially had a clearance problem with the stock valve cover.  I replaced
this with a finned alloy cover to resolve the clearance problem with the
rocker assembly.  Interestingly enough, the current Rimmer catalog makes
reference to the potential clearance problem (of the alloy cover) and the
bonnet.  Their stated solution is to purchase/use their special half
thickness valve cover gasket and commenting that the engine mounts should be
on the rear side of the suspension uprights.

To date, here is what I have done:

1.)     Not wanting to be restricted to special gaskets from England, I took
the cover to my local machine shop to have .050 removed from the bottom lip.
At the same time, I had the fins ground off the top (ends) about 3" from the
leading edges - only the front end was necessary, but I did both for
cosmetic reasons.  As it turns out, the shop had to remove .060 from the
cover in order to true it up and make it level.  Viola, the cover (at the
moment) is no longer a problem area.

2.)     With the above restriction removed, the bonnet now conflicts with
the forward carb.  I have fitted the engine with triple Weber DCOE 40's and
the three piece Triumph Tune inlet manifold(s).  The engine mounts are
currently bolted/fixed to the front side of the suspension towers - as is
typical.  When I refitted the engine, I did so with the same number of
spacers as were there originally; two on each side.

3.)     Some lateral movement is available at the engine mounts and I have
the engine as far rearward as possible.  While I believe mounting the engine
to the rearward side of the towers would correct the problem, it is an
option that I would prefer to avoid.  To do so would create a clearance
problem between the rear carb and the battery tray and I would prefer not to
start chopping away at that.  Tomorrow, I will remove the spacers and obtain
an incremental amount of downward engine movement - as the sump pan will
come to rest on the steering rack.

4.)     I've spent days with bonnet adjustment and (from Paul's previous
suggestion) verified the bonnet mounting arms, etc., etc.  and am satisfied
that nothing is askew with the bonnet.

5.)     I'm currently parked on the thought that I may simply have a shi**y
casting from Triumph Tune.  If anyone has a similar set-up, I would
appreciate some dimensions of the forward piece.  As a reference, the mold
that my forward section came from displays the logo as "Triumph Tu e".

6.)     The contact is with the front half of the forward carb - after which
there is "bags" of clearance.

I would appreciate any other thoughts or suggestions.

Great restoration just can't close the bonnet.


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