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Re: Triumph Photos

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Triumph Photos
From: Donald H Locker <dhlocker@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:08:15 -0400
Would it be rude to ask for copies of the three longish emails?  I'm 
suspecting there are others than me who would benefit from this knowledge.


Ken Strayhorn wrote:
> On Thursday, August 19, 2004, at 03:48 PM, James Carruthers wrote:
>> Thought I might do a bit of self promotion! For those of you who like 
>> photos, and have a bit of spare time in your hands (you know, bored 
>> afternoon in the office etc :oD )
> Nice stuff! I'm always thrilled to see what other folks are doing.
> And now for something completely different - how to put a longboard on a 
> short car:
> http://development.duke.edu/~ken/surfing/ride.htm
> For those of you who notice the nice new paint, I'd like to say thanks 
> to the kind gentleman on this list (I'll preserve privacy unless he 
> assents to having his name bandied about) who sent me three longish 
> emails containing the knowledge he had gained from his community college 
> auto painting class. As can be seen, a half gallon of Dupont one-stage 
> paint, a little patience, and a week's worth of prep work can make an 
> old dog look pretty good.
> Ken Strayhorn
> '72 MkIV
> Hillsborough NC

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