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Re: Spitfire rocker panel replacement panels....

To: BrianSmith1@templeinland.com ("Smith, Brian (Inland-Gaylord)"),
Subject: Re: Spitfire rocker panel replacement panels....
From: ZoboHerald@aol.com
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 16:04:37 -0500
In a message dated 3/15/2004 3:58:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
BrianSmith1@templeinland.com writes:

> Has anybody purchased these panels?  Do they (as all (VB, Moss, TRF) the
> catalogue illustrations indicated) extend up to the lower front wheel arch?
> I just ordered one from JC Whitless and it is only that portion beneath the
> door.  Any help would be appreciated.

Brian, IMO I wouldn't bother with a "patch" panel such as JCW is offering. I 
think all the "majors" (VB, Moss, TRF) offer original full panels and, with the 
amount of work required and given that any corrosion is likely to have spread 
forward, it hardly makes sense (to me) to do anything less than the complete 
panel (and maybe the filler piece at the front, too).

--Andy Mace

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