I just got this message from a local British Car enthusiast in Tucson,
AZ. If anyone has any use for the items mentioned, please contact Bill
directly. He already crushed a Mk3 bonnet that he had no place to
store, so if you need something act quickly!
Joe Curry
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Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 11:52:28 -0700
From: Bill McLeod <wbmcleod@cox.net>
Reply-To: wbmcleod@cox.net
Organization: Slightly Classics
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To: Spitlist@gte.net
Subject: Spit hood, etc
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Joe, I've got a complete, straight hood off a '77 that I would be happy
to give away, as well as doors and a complete body tub, if you or
someone else wants them. I'm really trying hard to get rid of this
stuff! Dave is coming down the wekend of the 28th, and asked if there
was any autocrossing that weekend (hint, hint!). Actually, I would also
give away the frame, etc. if someone wants it. I'm just back off the
crutches, for a few steps at a time, but still have to get my rotator
cuff operated on at the end of the month. It's hell to get old, and
even worse hell to get old and battered! By the way, I and all the
spridget list have gotten viruses in the last few days. Thanks, Bill
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