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Re: Really Wierd Behaviour - conclusion

To: David Templeton <davidt@opentext.com>,
Subject: Re: Really Wierd Behaviour - conclusion
From: Douglas Braun <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 16:39:38 -0400
At 01:31 PM 5/18/2003 -0400, David Templeton wrote:

>- the carb diaphrams have about 7-8 tears in them, from the outer ring to
>the inner, evenly spaced. I just replaced these 18 months ago! What should I
>expect a decent life for these is?

It probably depends a lot on the quality of the material they are made from.   
I remember once rebuilding
a (non-British) carb with a sort-of-cheap rebuild kit, and discovering that 
after a year, some of the rubber bits
were already cracking.

I last changed mine about 8 years ago, but for all I know, it could stop 
working tomorrow.

Doug Braun
'72 Spit 

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