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Newbie to list

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Newbie to list
From: "Steve Carter" <steve@juggler.net>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 16:36:59 +0100
Hi all,

Just subscribed today.  Got a '65 MkII just over two weeks ago and want
to fit recon carbs.  Rimmer Bros reckon they don't do them any more.
Does anyone have experiences with suppliers?  Being the MkII it takes
HS2s (the tags are AUC983 F and R).  One supplier tells the garage that
AUC983T are ok... anyone got pointers about what these numbers mean (I
know F and R are front and rear).  The supplier reckons two weeks to get

Any help appreciated.

Pics of the car can be seen at http://www.sweavo.34sp.com/photos/spit/



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