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RE: Funky D-type O/D

To: "'Jeff McNeal'" <jmcneal@ohms.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Funky D-type O/D
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 09:43:30 +0100

Unless you are leaking significant amounts of gearbox oil (and I suspect
you'd have spotted that by now!) I doubt lack of oil is the problem - my O/D
has continued to work fine when I have been long past due a top-up (come to
think of it, it's way overdue now...), so a slight loss should not be the
cause of your problem.

I had a similar problem, and it turned out to be a dodgy home-made O/D
wiring harness made by the PO (who converted Daffy to O/D) which was cutting
out occasionally.  Since Mrs. Jones has been so impeccably re-built I doubt
you will have that, but I would still probably start with the wires and
switches as a possible cause.  I guess you could confirm this for sure by
rigging up a temporary idiot light with a wire leading to the solonoid,
which will show you if the cutting out coincides with a break in the
electrical supply.  I suggest this because intermittent electrical problems
like this never show up when testing in the garage!

I agree with previous posts that the O/D can be slow when the engine is cold
- it can take over 5 seconds to engage on Daffy when I have only just set
off, but once all is warmed up it engages pretty much instantly when I flick
the switch.

Richard & Daffy

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