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Searching for Wedgewood...

To: List Spit <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Searching for Wedgewood...
From: Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:39:17 -0500
Well today I visited my local PPG paint supplier. When I called in early
with the PPG code they could not find it in the system, old paint code...
Blah blah blah, but if I could find a sample they would scan it for me.

The only sample I had was on the bonnet, I want not moving that.

I got lucky however. The spare hatch I had in the garage was the original
hatch. The PO had lost the key so he simply swapped it out.

Anyhow I disassembled the hatch and found a good sample of the colour.

The scan reviled a dead match for the paint and a new name.
Horizon Blue. Not sure who uses the paint, but I'm remotely pleased.

I need to view it in better light in the morning, but so far the wife like
it. The pictures don9t capture it too well, but it appears to be a sky blue
with a hint of grey.



"Triumph's pick their owners."
Andre Rousseau - Ottawa Canada
1968 Triumph GT6 MK1
NASS - North American Spitfire (& GT6) Squadron, #178
OVTC - Ottawa Valley Triumph Club, President

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