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Re: weather NONE LBC

To: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>, "Triumphs"
Subject: Re: weather NONE LBC
From: Douglas Braun <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 18:02:56 -0500
Same exact weather here. Watch out for massive condensation on your car and any 
other heavy metal objects in your garage!

I'm taking my son out for Pizza in the Spit now.  The rain last night washed 
away all the salt.

Doug Braun
'72 Spit

At 05:10 PM 3/5/2003 -0500, Fred Thomas wrote:
>Well yesterday a/m when I awoke it was 18 degrees, today, right now it is 69
>degrees and yet I still cannot see my back yard grass which still lies under
>about 6" of snow, the roads are really dirty so no LBC rides as of yet.  "FT"

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