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Now with Hoy Polloi!

To: "Triumphs@Autox.team.net daily digest"
Subject: Now with Hoy Polloi!
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:02:23 -0500
Well it has happened. My Lucas addiction has spawned another cycle... I have 
just taken into my stable, at the expense of my 1988 Ford F-150(Still for sale, 
but now on a friend's used car lot) a nice, low mileage 1988 Jaguar XJ-6(XJ-40) 
Blue, with tan leather interior... She drives like a dream, and has looks 
too... A few items are already on the upkeep list- repair both rear ashtrays, 
fix console ashtray lid, (what is it with these ashtrays?) make rear foglights 
go on and off with the switch(stay on with lights) clean contacts on driver's 
door electric lock trigger...
But otherwise, a very happy car- and now I feel I can date again in comfort- no 
big old pickup, no 69 Plymouth... Jag! baby~! Until convertible weather, when 
the Herald(universally adored by women) comes to call...

If I wasn't so tired tonight, I'd be out prowling the highway, chasing the 


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  • Now with Hoy Polloi!, Scott A. Roberts <=