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Rash Of KLEZ infected messages

To: Spitfire Internet Mail List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Rash Of KLEZ infected messages
From: Joe Curry <Spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:33:36 -0700
Recently, I have received a rash of messages infected with the KLEZ
worm.  Fortunately, NAV has detected them before they can do any
damage.  I am wondering if everyone else on the lists are also getting
bombarded with them.

It seems that at least 30 percent of my messages are infected.

Please bear in mind that this worm is spread by reading the address book
of email programs, so everyone please update their antivirus definitions
to be sure that you are not unknowingly contributing to this outbreak.

Joe Curry

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