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MK IV Body Tub & Bonnet

To: "Spit Elist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: MK IV Body Tub & Bonnet
From: "Ken C" <sdspitfire@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 08:05:31 -0800
I know I'm being a pest but someone out there must want a rust-free body tub
and bonnet. They're from a '72 MK IV Spitfire. Both are painted in white
Dupont Centauri acrylic enamel. Very little, if any, work would be needed to
put them on the road.

Of course, the problem, as always, is transportation. They are located in
San Diego, CA.

Previously, I wanted 'remuneration for them, however, "she who must be
obeyed" has decreed "They must go !". ( It sounds better if Charleton Heston
is doing the voice and with a bit of echo.) So, just come and pick them up
before they get sent to the recycle bin.

Anyone interested, please contact me offlist. Thanks.

Ken C

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