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RE: Dead electrics

To: "'James Carruthers'" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>,
Subject: RE: Dead electrics
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:35:52 -0000

If you've got no electrics at all, I can't think of a better approach than
to start right at the beginning - the battery.  The +ve lead from there goes
to the solonoid, so check for a live there, then on to the ignition switch -
this has a multi-plug, so you can disconnect this and then check on the
wiring loom side for a live supply.

When you say no lighting do you mean no headlights?  On UK-spec cars there
is no fuse protection in the headlamp circuit (mad, I know!), so the supply
to the headlamp switch comes straight from the solonoid (I think - haven't
got a wiring diagram in front of me to check!).  So in that case I don't
think the fault can even be as far along as the ignition switch.

AH-HA - just had an idea!!  The lead from the battery to the solonoid is
comprised of a bundle of copper wires.  These wires are individually quite
thick, and if flexed a few times they can easily fatigue and break - I know
that about half of mine are broken already.  This leaves the remaining wires
to carry the full current to the starter.  If you were down to just a few
wires, they would get pretty hot, and could quite possibly go bang if the
starter was used for any length of time.  So this is my top guess on what
has happened to you!

Good luck,


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