At 11:38 AM 12/3/02 -0500, Nolan Penney wrote:
>I think that's a bit of an overstatement. Red cars are perfectly legal
>on the road, even cars that are red in the front. You cannot use a slow
>moving vehicle triangle though. The use of an antenna pendant is legal
>in all 50 states, to the best of my knowledge.
>Unfortunately these flags are not legal to use on a motor vehicle on
>highway. They are fine for offroad use on sand dunes, but not on the
>road. You cannot show red to the front of the car while in motion- and
>that includes a red flag on the rear.
Note I said red 'flag' and not red 'car'. :) Same goes for lights. I do
roadside traffic assistance at accident scenes and had to equip my van with
an emergency lightbar for the task so I had to research what was legal for
different states. Red is right out for lights/flags in the front of cars
unless you are with fire/medical/police. Some towing firms can use it if
they are on freeways as well, but they need to be certified with each
jurisdiction they are working in.
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