Sounds u-joint-ish. Jack up and support the rear of the car
and do a visual inspection. Also see if you can get any free
play prising the two flanges back and forth with a large
screwdriver. Any more than minute movements means the uj is
done for.
The loud clunk is a bad sign, but may also be due to loose
bolts on the flange. Check them too.
You probably don't want to put this off too long as ujs can
fail catastrophically and allow your rear wheel to do it's own
random steering movements.
The good news is that this isn't a big job.
Good luck!
Greg Rowe
>From: "Lambert, Iain" <>
>Reply-To: "Lambert, Iain" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Funny noises
>Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:40:38 +0100
>Once again a question for the all knowing. I just hope it doesn`t create as
>much debate as the tappets. I am getting a CHI CHI CHI noise from the rear
>left wheel in time with road speed. It started with a ticking noise and
>progressed to what it is now after about 400 miles. Also there is an
>ominously loud clunk sometimes, not all the time, when I pull away in
>first. I hope this is not something big, as for the first time this year we
>are having glorious weather in Scotland. Thank you all again, you are
>Iain Lambert.
>Macfarlane group packaging
>Inside Hewlett Packard
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