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RE: Rear wheels at different angles-Spitfire

To: "Spit list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Rear wheels at different angles-Spitfire
From: "Joe Frakes" <joe@ados.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 07:24:35 -0700
Well, the brake drums have been turned and returned to the car.  I can no
longer feel the vibration, but the pulsating noise lingers....  As usual,
the repair was only part of the problem.

>right rear wheel. I've replaced the rear shocks and leaf
>spring.  It's a bit scary when you look at the car from the rear and
>compare the 2 angles of the wheels. Also there seems to be a pulsating
>noise vibration from the left rear wheel.

>Any ideas what could be causing this difference in angle and would the
>pulsating/vibration (vibration at speeds above 45 mph- pulsation can be
>heard at low speeds when coming to a stop) have any thing to do with it.

Might look at the brake drum also.  I have a slighly warped one (in being
turned right now) that causes a pulsation just like you describe.  The shoes
would contact slightly at just that one spot on the drum.  Couldn't feel it
in the pedal at all.  Pulling on the handbrake slightly, you could feel it.
Pull a little harder and the shoes would contact all the way around and the
pulsing stopped or at least lessened somewhat.

I'll update on the outcome with the drums freshly turned when I get them
back on the car.

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