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Re: Tyre Pressure

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Tyre Pressure
From: PorscheRcr@aol.com
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 22:19:51 EDT
I actually run 32 lbs in all 4 tires, since I like less understeer.  
(Richard, I believe having all 4 tires at the same pressure reduces, not 
increases, understeer).

Am I on the right track?

Yes Greg, you're correct.  The lower front pressure increases understeer, 
minimizing the oversteer that swing axle cars are famous for.  I run my GT6 
at 30psi all round for the same reason you run 32, I like more oversteer.  
For the less skilled driver the factory differential is probably a good idea 
though.  You're also correct in that modern tires tend to like a bit more 
pressure than they did 30 yrs ago.  They also tend to like a bit more 
negative camber than tires did then, though the effect is more pronounced 
with wider performance tires than with stock Spit/GT6 sizes.

Bill J

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