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RE: why I bought my spitfire

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: why I bought my spitfire
From: stephen jones <joness@wsu.edu>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 10:30:13 -0700
My brother had a 68 blue Spitfire that he drove when he got out of Vietnam.
 I had a 64 GTO.  He took me for a ride in the rain one night and we spun
360 on a freeway onramp and he got control and we kept going like nothing
happened.  His spit is long gone but I used to love watching him work on it
every night  (some things never change).  I bought my 68 Spitfire several
years ago to rekindle those memories.  I also bought it because I have a 64
Tiger and I wanted something that I could work on that had a bit more room
under the bonnet than the Tiger does.

steve jones 68 mk3

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