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RE: Fantasy Football? How about Fantasy F1?

To: "'William Davies'" <bill@rarebits4classics.co.uk>,
Subject: RE: Fantasy Football? How about Fantasy F1?
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 09:13:52 +0100
For the last few years I have run a Fantasy F1 game at work - this was at my
last job, and it was pretty successful, the guy I talked into taking it over
when I left got 50 people to sign up for it this year.

The idea is that you get a fixed budget - I used #35M.  With this you have
to buy a chassis, an engine, and two drivers, which are all priced up  -
ranging from #1m for a tail-ender like Massa, or a Minardi chassis, up to
#23.6M for Michael Schumacher, #14.5M for a Mercedes engine etc.  No-one is
allowed to have an identical team to someone else.

Points are awarded for the performance in each race - not just finishing
position, but also if the driver manages to improve on their grid position,
with bonuses for getting pole position and/or the fastest lap.  Points are
also penalised for drivers crashing or cars breaking down!

Each race the team with the most points is identified, plus points
accumulate over the season for a overall prize.

Everyone gave #10 per team entered.  Half of this was used for race prizes,
half for the season prize, which tended to mean around #5 for a race win,
and around almost #50 for the first of three prizes at the end of the

If there are enough people interested (I guess I'd need at least 10 to make
it at all interesting) I would be happy to run something similar for you
lot.  Due to the huge geographical distribution I think it would be hard to
have any financial involvement, so it would just be for fun, and the only
prize would be the glory.

There are one or two web-sites that have Fantasy F1 games - one is at:

For general F1 news, gossip, updates etc. my favorite website is:

So - anyone interested?  Let me know and I will put some rules and prices
together, maybe we could get it all up and running for the Canadian GP on
the 9th June?

Richard & Daffy

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