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Re: oil bargain

To: vafred@erols.com
Subject: Re: oil bargain
From: gary durham <gjdurham@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 22:43:11 -0500
On Tue, 14 May 2002 17:47:11 -0400 "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
> Well today I found a connection for Castrol motor oil in 10/30 & 
> 20/50, no
> idea how long this guy will sell it to me for $1.09 per qt. so I 
> bought 20
> cases, thats a savings of .60 per qt or $140.00 for the 20 cases. 
> Good buy me
> thinks  "FT"

My Lord, Fred!  Me thinks perhaps I'd simply invest in some new gaskets,
and sealer!

(just 'pokin fun at 'ya!)



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