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RE: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads

To: "Spit list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads
From: "Joe Frakes" <joe@ados.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 23:25:20 -0700
At 11:03 AM 4/17/02 , Kristi Richardson wrote:
>Duh, that would have been helpful, huh Patrick? ;O)
>I live near Portland, Oregon. We have a major snow storm once every 10
>for about 2 weeks. However, we have eejits that come November 1 put on
>studded tires until April 1, knowing that "this is the year."

I used to visit Portland often for business.  I could amuse myself
by driving on the freeways and playing "railroad", seeing low
long I could drive without touching the steering wheel, while the
car was being steered by the ruts caused by the studded snow tires.

Those same ruts play havoc with the worn (not quite worn out) steering on my
old Chevy.  Haven't had the pleasure in the Spit yet.

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