John asked:
...does anyone know the size of the nut holding on the wheel? I will be
fixing a frayed wire in mine this week also (the horn blew every time I
turned a corner!)...
I don't know what size it is, but it is big - over the 1" that most peoples
socket sets go up to. But it's not as much as 1 3/16", otherwise I'd be
able to jam a 30mm socket on.
So the chances are it's 1 1/8", although possibly 1 1/16". I must admit
that I have always just clamped my Mole grips across the nut and then used a
screwdriver through the jaws to give me extra leverage!
I know what you mean about frayed horn wires - the MG BGT that preceded
Daffy developed the same problem when I installed a Mountney wheel (not very
well). Rather embarrassing!!
Richard & Daffy
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