Thanks to all that responded. I am posting because some others expressed
an interest in the outcome.
I managed to figure out how to post the pictures on eBay. When you click
on the "post you pictures on eBay" icon it would kick me back to the
"start" page. This is where I was getting corn-fused! I just assumed it
was starting me all over (which it was), but this time it allows you add
the picture (or more if you want to pay additional). Why it doesn't just
start with that setup I don't know but anyway after completing that whole
section it appears as I intended. Just in case you were wondering, no it
isn't LBC parts, it's LOP (large outboard parts) a carb setup off a 3
cylinder OMC - but one might be able to adapt it to a GT6 or such :-)
Thanks again -
Barry Schwartz (San Diego)
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