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Car for sale?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Car for sale?
From: PorscheRcr@aol.com
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:38:32 EST
The indestructible Audi finally met it's match, got it's nose bashed in by a 
Focus.  I'm expecting that the Ins. Co. is going to total it so here is the 
question.  Anyone know of a reasonably decent Brit car of some sort in the 
$2000-3000 range, preferably in Northern California?  Bout the only thing I 
don't really want are Midgets (too small) and XJ6's (unless by some act of 
God it's a manual trans).
Please contact me offlist if you know of a car at
Bill J

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