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RE: rust removal / rust prevention

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: rust removal / rust prevention
From: Marc Anger <marcanger@mac.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:51:28 +0000
My two pence's worth... about rust-stop
1) the sacrificial anode is a well known device in boating. You 
usually have one around the shaft near the propeller, and aluminium 
boat dip them when idle. However it may not apply to a car : it can 
only work when there is a closed circuit (anode/electrolyte/cathode). 
The electrolyte is easy to find at sea ;-). However it is absent 
except under continuous rain (+ it helps if the water is dirty, 
making it a better conductor). My understanding of rust forming is 
that it will happen in those water and mud traps, where patches of 
humidity will be trapped, hence promoting oxydation. if the 
electrodes are not in contact with THIS humidity, rust will develop 
as nothing will stop it to.

2) Oxydation is a (partially) reversible process. If the device works 
it should be able to reduce rust to steel

3) Notice how Rust-stop give you a lifetime guarantee on the 
product's components being free from defect but doesn't give you any 
pledge that it will actually do something for you

4) #75.00 is a lot of money for what the system really is...

As for the Aussie site...
Their physics and chemistry looked OK but I felt lazy and didn't put 
my mind to it yet. After all it is only 2p's worth :-)...



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