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Re: thrust washer lube

To: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Subject: Re: thrust washer lube
From: "Fred Griffiths" <griffco@cadvision.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:46:36 -0700
Hi Nolan,
    Thanks for the discussion.
    I know its the side thrust they take, and that riding the clutch is bad.
I've gotten in such a habit of putting my car in neutral at a stoplight that
it is driving my wife mad when I drive her Subaru!

I realize that at about 5,000km per year (or less), it will take me a while
to add up 30,000 miles, but still why change them if oiling them will
prevent it?

So, I figure that a small hole - say 1/32" or smaller - wouldn 't adversely
affect the amount of oil available to the rear main bearing - it has a 1/4"
hole, or thereabouts.

I'd prevent this point of your argument...

>  You've also got a likelyhood of having the oil pressure push the thrust
washer away from the block, and grind it dry against the crankshaft, while
lubricating >hapily between the block and thrustwasher (which isn't a good

by making sure there is a hole in the thrust washer, larger than the gallery
hole (the 1/32" mentioned above).  I'd put this hole in the recessed area of
the thrust washer so oil 'flows' into it rather than being 'forced' into it.

I thought about the drilling both sides of the web, oiling front and rear
thrust washers, but decided it wouldn't be needed as there is some splash
there already - more splash in that area than in that small space between
the rear of the rear web and the back plate.

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